Cincinnati UCI3 Cyclocross Festival - Day #3 Harbin Park

November 6, 2011

 Rider Team Place Field
Backroom Coffee Roasters Cycling Team 
Masters 40+ 
Backroom Coffee Roasters Cycling Team 
Cat 4 
RideNet Development Team 
Women 1-2-3-4 
Performance Bicycle Columbus 
Masters 30+ 
Backroom Coffee Roasters Cycling Team 
Pro 1-2 
ALAN North American Cycling Team 
Masters 40+ 
Backroom Coffee Roasters Cycling Team 
Cat 4 
  Blair Fraley: 8th, Masters 40+
Blair Fraley
Hard as hell race. Started last row 80+ deep and fought my way to the 8th. Legs felt good considering three days of racing in a row. Great weekend!
  Duncan "Braveheart" Russell: 11th, Cat 4
Duncan "Braveheart" Russell
This one was doomed before even starting. Problems with shifters fixed only with a few minutes to go (thanks Chris). Missed staging and started dead last, then realized pedal spring had snapped only 30s before whistle. Did the whole race with one foot... and had the most fun racing all year.
  Mark Deane: 12th, Masters 30+
Mark Deane
Very tough course. Technical and lots of mud. Loved it!
  Katie "Boom Boom Lights Out" Arnold: 16th, Pro 1-2
Katie "Boom Boom Lights Out" Arnold
Wet noodles for legs today. Where'd all my my power go?... Damn!
  Chris Freter: 27th, Masters 40+
Chris Freter
Good hard fought day, passed four on the final lap............more coming later
  Noah "The Ark" Hutson: Mechanical, Cat 4
Noah "The Ark" Hutson
Had a good start. Hip was feeling better. Hooked on behind Duncan for a bit before I bit it AGAIN heading into the mulch. Recovered and started making time back up only to pinchflat in the woods as far from the pits as possible. There's always next year right?