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Mark Deane (17)

Velo5spot Cyclocross Team

Velo5spot is a new cyclocross team started this year by Mark "Magoo" Deane and Lydia "Scooter" Stone. Mark brings the experience of one cycocross season under his belt, BMX racing as a youth and at least a decade of long distance cycling. Lydia is a bike commuter who is excited about racing for the first time. We are currently working on getting sponsorship but this is really just for fun.
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November 16, 2014
Work and home  12 mile commute
November 15, 2014
  12 mile commute
November 14, 2014
  12 mile commute
May 3, 2014
Ride to and from work  12 mile commute
April 9, 2014
Rode to Berliner Park. Not the route I anticipated but there are a lot of bike path detours.  14 mile workout
April 8, 2014
Lunch ride too Twin Rivers P.O. then along Scioto Trail. Didn't realize they had finished it to Riverside Dr. Nice.  9 mile errand
April 6, 2014
Beautiful day for a long errand ride, but people have forever ruined the Olentangy trail for me. I'll stick to the street.  31 mile errand
March 31, 2014
Errands downtown and Twin Rivers post office. Someone in a VW either gave me the finger or thumbs up. Not sure why for either.  8 mile errand
March 29, 2014
Rode to the clean-up site for KickButtColumbus2014. Miserable day to ride and stand outside picking up litter.  4 mile errand
March 22, 2014
Commute coupled with a shop ride.  43 mile commute
Volunteer day at Franklinton CycleWorks.  3 mile errand
March 21, 2014
Ride to Whole Foods on Lane for some groceries. I always seem to test the limits of my small messenger bag when I shop.  12 mile errand
March 20, 2014
Errands in the Short North with my constant riding companion -- the wind.  6 mile errand
March 18, 2014
To the Franklinton Library for the HOA meeting. I still hate the wind.  3 mile errand
To the North Market to get food for dinner. I hate the wind.  4 mile errand
March 15, 2014
Started my errand ride on the smooth side of McKinley east of Central and ended on the bone shaking side of McKinley west of Central.  10 mile errand
March 14, 2014
Errands downtown. I hate the wind but it felt good to fight it.  6 mile errand
March 11, 2014
Another good day for riding, hope everybody got some miles in before it snows  32 mile commute
Met the fella at North Broadway and headed to Short North for dinner. Trail was more crowded than yesterday.  17 mile errand
Dropped something off at office and mailed packages at the post office.  7 mile errand
March 10, 2014
Back on the bike again, nice ride into work with a even better ride home with my lady who met me on the trail.  32 mile commute
Met the fella at Henderson, then rode to the CCM and home. So many people out there.  20 mile errand
March 8, 2014
Met friends for coffee and ran some errands. Temperature plummeted while I was out. Felt a few rain drops too.  8 mile errand
March 7, 2014
Rode to Twin Rivers P.O. to mail a package and then finally checked out the new bridge to Grandview Ave before returning home.  7 mile errand
March 6, 2014
Rode into the office to check in with a few people.  6 mile commute
March 1, 2014
To Grandview for some errands and then downtown to pack up my office. Officially a telecommuter now so will have to do lunch rides now.  12 mile errand
February 22, 2014
Put the eggbeaters on the cx bike and headed up to Grandview to run some errands. Felt so good to ride.  8 mile errand
February 4, 2014
  6 mile commute
February 3, 2014
First day back to the office in two months.  6 mile commute
January 25, 2014
Rode over to Franklinton CycleWorks to volunteer and put those skills I learned at UBI to work.  3 mile errand